Roseau Blanc | White Rushes
Fili 周 Gibbons & Paloma Dawkins (artistic collaboration)
Performed at Centre PHI / Espaces Incarnés in December 28 & 29, 2024
A 2-hour participatory ritual, sound and visual performance, drawing inspiration from the ancient Chinese divination system, Yijing (‘Book of Changes’).
Weaving together post-Classical cello, generative sound processing, and a real-time visual engine, this performance takes place in a ritual square platform flooded with live-permuted projections of animated textures and invented environments inspired by natural patternings.
This project was a close collaboration with animator and video game designer Paloma Dawkins (Apocablyss Studio). We dreamed up a digital performance that could combine traditional divination with audience interaction and futuristic visuals.
Audience members were invited to participate in Yijing readings using reed stalks. You can find more info about the rich background and methodology of I Ching divination here.
These readings interacted live with successive steps of a collectively generated, nonlinear performance — in which we ‘sounded’ the space with semi-improvised cello, field recordings, pitch textures. During the readings, audience were offered live hand-paintings on sheets of paper and a printed QR code and landing page that could to help interpret their readings: